How To Chosee & Use Compression Stockings
Compression Stockings For Varicose Veins
Compression stockings are traditionally used to treat the symptoms of varicose veins on legs, such as leg swelling, cramps, restless leg, etc. However, some people also like to use compression stockings while playing sports, exercising, while traveling, or as a preventative measure.
So what do compression stockings do? In a nutshell, they improve blood-flow. Compression stockings lessen the pain and swelling in your legs when you suffer from circulation issues likely caused by varicose and spider veins. Compression stockings can also help prevent deep vein thrombosis from happening, blood clots, and other circulatory issues.
Compression stockings come in different sizes (XS – 3XL) and compression levels, and you can decide which works best for you. We typically recommend a 20-30mmHg compression.
1. What Are Compression Stockings?
Compression stockings are a circulation garment made of of a stretchy material that gently squeezes your leg. A graduated compression stocking will feel tight around your ankle and then gradually loosen up as it moves up your leg.
Compression stockings can be purchased right here with free shipping nationwide.
What’s my compression stockings size?
2. Who Uses Compression Stockings? Should I?
Do you suffer from poor blood circulation, spider veins and varicose veins? If the answer is yes, then compression stockings will bring relieve to your symptoms and you should definitely think about incorporating their use in your daily life.
Who else uses compression stockings? here’s a complete list!
- People with or at risk for circulation problems like DVT, varicose veins, or diabetes
- People who’ve just gotten surgery like radiofrequency ablation or sclerotherapy
- Those who can’t leave their bed or have a hard time moving their legs/exercising regularly
- People who stand all day at work like teachers or construction workers
- Pregnant women; they have a high chance of developing circulation issues due to pregnancy.
- People who spend long stretches of time on airplanes, like pilots and flight attendants
- People with sedentary lifestyles, or who spend a lot of time sitting like cab and uber drivers
- Athletes
3. What Do Compression Stockings Do?
As mentioned above, compression stockings apply gentle pressure to your legs. The level of pressure applied helps the blood vessels in your legs flow better between your arteries and to your heart. Compression stockings facilitate that blood flow to your heart.
Compression stockings can also help prevent your legs from getting tired and achy during long days of either standing or sitting for extended periods of time. If you suffer from leg swelling, your compression stockings can help ease that swelling in both legs and ankles. Some people report feeling dizzy or lightheaded when standing up after sitting for a prolonged period, and wearing compression stockings regularly can help prevent those feelings.
Lastly, compression stockings help prevent blood clots from forming; because the blood in your legs keeps flowing in the right direction, it’s harder for it to pool in your veins and form a clot. When clots form and break free, they can travel with your blood and get stick somewhere dangerous, like your lungs. Clods can also be responsible for leg swelling and skin discoloration, often associated with vein diseases.
4. What Type Of Compression Stockings Exist?